It didn't take too long to give up on apartments and concentrate solely on rental houses, usually no more expensive than a similar-sized apartment. After a close call with a scammer (whew! got past that one without losing any money), and writer's cramp from filling in several rental applications, I was approved for the one where I am living, and given a move-in date of two days later. Another place I was looking at would have been close enough to walk to work, but it would have been another two weeks before I would have been able to move in. At $100 a night for the hotel, that was a delay I wanted to avoid.
A nice kitchen, two bedrooms, a carport and room to garden. Perfect!
The front of the house |
The view across the road |
The back yard |
African Tulip Tree, Spathodea campanulata in the back yard. |
This should clear up my Vitamin Green deficiency!
Inside it already had a few pieces of furniture left by the previous tenants. Best was a bed. And what a bed: a California king size TempurPedic! With these amenities, I hoped my one towel, one plate, one fork, one spoon, and one knife from Target, plus the three suitcases of necessities I brought with me, would suffice until the movers delivered the rest of my things.
Living Room, laminate floor |
Nice kitchen |
What I didn't know was that it would be another five weeks until that delivery. In the meantime, it was an interesting adventure living in such a minimalist way. I was able to keep busy snorkeling, reading, writing, and looking for furnishings I'd need but not shipped.
Finally, on December 31, my things were delivered. I am still getting organized...more later!