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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Packing Up

Deciding what to take with me was not difficult. I think that's because I spent so many years dreaming about moving, and nights thinking about what would I want to have with me if I ended up in various locations. I had done the packing in my head numerous times for different daydreams, so when it came time to pack up for real, it was not hard.  Time consuming, but not hard. 

There were countless trips to Goodwill, the Shelter thrift stores, and meetings with Craigslist buyers. And even if they didn't want my stuff, my friends were obliged to take something away with them. At my Aloha Party, I wouldn't let them leave without taking something with them.

The moving truck came on Wednesday evening, November 4. A very experienced and competent mover, Igor, packed everything in his truck. Alone. In the rain. Amazing. I gave him a bottle of Chivas Regal with his tip. He seemed pretty happy about that.

Igor's truck blocked the street for a few hours

My stuff in a shipping container on Igor's truck

My heaviest coat is in Indiana with Adam. My favorite cashmere scarf is around Thea's neck keeping her warm. My beautiful books and flatware are in Santa Fe with Rick.

Our garage after my stuff was loaded. Hey, there is room for a car in here!